Jurnal FAI

Risalah, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Islam, is published by the Faculty of Islamic Studies Wiralodra University Indonesia. Focus of Risalah, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Islam is on publishing original empirical research articles and theoretical reviews of Islamic education and Islamic Studies. The empirical research includes studies on the implementation of Islamic education in educational Islamic institution while theoretical study covers historical studies, expert finding and Islamic education content analysis from al-qur’an and hadist.

Counselia, Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Pendidikan Islam, is a peer-reviewed journal published by Faculty of Islamic Studies Wiralodra University. The journal is aimed at spreading the research results conducted by academicians, researchers, and practitioners in the field of Islamic Education Guidance and Counseling. In particular, papers which consider the following general topics are invited: Guidance and Counseling, Islamic Guidance and Counseling, Philosophy of Education, Islamic Education, Educational Psychology, Educational Sociology, General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology, Career Counseling, Personal Social Counseling, Group Counseling, Media Counseling, Interfaith Counseling and Culture, Family Counseling, Learning Counseling, Children’s Counseling, Youth Counseling, Adult and Elderly Counseling, Counseling Psychology, Counseling Management, Psychological Measurement, Counseling Concepts and Techniques, Islamic Boarding School BKPI, Psychology of Religion, Mental Health Review. Published 2 (two) times annually, on March and September. Each of the issue has 10 articles both on conceptual article and research article. Published in Bahasa Indonesia, but English-written articles are also welcome.

Jurnal Islamic Pedagogia (JIP), is an journal published by Department of Islamic Education the Faculty of Islamic Studies University Wiralodra Indramayu, posted twice a year on April and October. The journal focuses its scope on the issues of Islamic Education in Indonesia. We invite scientists, scholars, researchers, as well as professionals in the field of Islamic Education in Indonesia to publish their researches in our Journal. The journal publishes high quality empirical and theoretical research covering all aspects of Islamic Education in Indonesia.